Spring Break Maker Day Camp Morning Session

Event Date:
April 5, 2022
Event Time:
9:00 am
Event Location:
Fablab Education
CLASS DESCRIPTION: In this Day Camp we are exploring design thinking, 3D printing, laser cutting/etching, and electronics! This Camp introduces the basics of Tinkercad, how 3D printers work, and how to design amd laser cut your own items. Students will complete a Tinkercad project to 3d print, design and complete a laser project and learn how circuits work. This camp is free to city of Tacoma residents with support from Tacoma Creates. Please contact info@Fablabeducation.org for scholarship code or registration assistance if needed.
Morning Camp Tuesday 4/5- Thursday 4/7 9:00am-12:00pm
This camp is supported by Tacoma Creates! Thank you Tacoma!!
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